Caitlin’s Words for Wellbeing

Thank you to generous donors who are gifting underserved communities with new paperback copies of Little Matches. I’m still figuring out the logistics, but basically: ten dollars buys a copy. I will update this page with recipient news. I can be Venmo’d at @Maryanne-Ohara or you can scan the code. Or I can be reached via mail at Maryanne O’Hara, 150 Staniford Street, #816, Boston, MA 02114 Thank you!!

Thank you for your incredible generosity,

Terry Waite  

Julie Rose     

Rachel Priselac        

Diane Shader Smith

Jessica Massey        


Michelle Karol         

Meredith Solomon  

Mary Connell

Margaret Brigham  

Thorne Conley         

Andrea Sonnenberg          


Paul Stanton

Kelly Pickens

Kimberly Lane

Laura Kelly   

Sara Liziewski          

Cecilia Idman-Rait

Betsy DiCarlo

Janice Cavanaugh

Kate Ryan Baird

Recipients of your own choosing?

If you would like to gift copies of Little Matches to a recipient group of your own choosing, you can use these links. Thank you for your support.